Here are a few pictures from my first leg of last winters India trip. My first stop after a brief rest in New Delhi was the eastern state of Assam. I met my friend Apoo, shared some whiskey with his friends and family, then left in the morning for Nameri eco camp on the river Bhorelli. The camp was comfortable with tents under thatched roofs.
We spent three days floating the Bhorelli in Apoo's inflatable raft. The river is wide and slow in some areas, and swift in others. The fishing was a bit slow, but we managed to find my first Indian fish.
This was the first fish of the trip. The fish is a Chocolate Mahseer, or Boka of average size. Unfortunately Apoo hooked this fish on his first cast and jinxed us for the rest of the day. We hooked nothing else. These are beautiful fish and don't put up a great fight on heavier tackle, but I think these would be a lot of fun on a fly rod.
This is my first Indian fish. A snakehead that struck a jointed Rapala in shallow water.
Fish number two was what I came for. A Golden Mahseer. These are really beautiful fish that I have yet to see any photo do justice to. The colors on these just light up in the sun. This isn't a particularly big specimen, but it was enough to keep me happy.
Very nice write up. Post eerything in details about the India Trip.